The haunting aftermath of Abraham Lincoln’s assassination plunges an already grief stricken nation into its darkest hour since its inception in 1776. Carried by train over 1,700 miles, Lincoln’s remains head back from Washington D.C. to Springfield, Illinois for burial. Hundreds of thousands of Americans unite in a shared grief never before seen.
Ben, a fugitive slave, risks his life to meet up with Lincoln’s funeral train heading westward across Indiana. Joining him is his lifelong friend Samuel, who shares his desire to rendezvous with the train in order to honor their fallen emancipator.
Along the way, Ben and Sam’s journey is filled with their own tragedies and triumphs. Eluding a notorious bounty hunter, Ben’s plan is to escape to Canada after paying his respects to Lincoln. His heart is conflicted, however, knowing that his people’s plight is likely to worsen now that Lincoln is gone.
A poignant story of redemption amidst a nation’s shared grief, “Of Tears and Iron” depicts the sorrowful journey of Lincoln’s procession through America’s heartland during the dark days following the assassination. A journey of sorrow and finality, a tale wrought in tears and iron.
© Copyright 2020 Christopher Allen - All Rights Reserved
Original commissioned artwork exclusively for motion picture “Of Tears and Iron”.
Artists: Darrel Bevan, Alben Tan, and Sebastian.
Show, not tell.

The Lincoln Funeral Train crossing a trestle in Indiana - April 1865. Artist: Alben Tan

Character depiction of Ben, an escaped slave that risks his life to pay his final respects to Abraham Lincoln.

The Lincoln Funeral Train headed west toward Indianapolis in April 1865.

The Lincoln Funeral Train crossing a trestle in Indiana - April 1865. Artist: Alben Tan
Of Tears and Iron isn’t an ordinary low budget independent film. This will be a polished, professionally produced 35mm film shot exclusively on location, in Indiana, where the Lincoln Funeral Train travelled through.
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